Wesley Cornerstone
Meets on Sundays at 9:45 am (classroom off Fellowship Hall)
Target group: adults
Mission statement: Our mission is to be faithful Christians as a united family of the body of Christ. We believe in studying the Word, serving our church and community, while trusting our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Ruth and Matthew
Meets on Sundays at 9:45 am (classroom off Fellowship Hall)
Target group: Any adult who wants to study God’s Word and further understand His purpose for us.
Mission statement: Our mission is to study the Holy Word of God, be large enough to include all, but small enough to care about each individual. We want to address their needs whether they are on the mountain or in the valley. We support our local, state and world mission, as well as all areas of the church, especially the children and the youth.
Meets on Sundays at 11:00 am (classroom off Fellowship Hall)
Target group: adult seekers of every age!
Mission statement: to grow as Christ’s disciples in our:
- Knowledge of God’s Word
- Gratitude for our Salvation
- Celebration of our Faith
- Ability to show Jesus to others
To provide a safe and loving environment for all explorers of the faith
Meets on Sundays at 11:00 am (classroom off Fellowship Hall)
Target group: Twenties and there after
Mission statement: Serving families through a life-long commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ